Competitive Priorities

  • Cost - Amazon business strategy can be described as cost leadership taken to the extreme. Range, price and convenience are placed at the core of Amazon competitive advantage. Two years ago, Amazon was seen beating top competitors on price, with Target's prices in particular 16.9% more expensive than Amazon. 
  • Time - Amazon offers 2 day shipping to Prime members for people who are ordering things time sensitive. Amazon is also efficient in running their warehouses and fulfillment centers to not waste time.

  • Flexibility-  Amazon was #3 on the flex job annual list of top 100 employers who offer the most flexibility to employees. They work hard to find the best talent and create roles that work well for their employees.

  • Quality- Amazon offers good quality products for great prices online, They have struggled maintaining their quality approach in the past which is something that they are looking to fix in the future.


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